Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Respite Retreat with the Guthries

Looking forward to this weekend when Robert & I will attend a respite retreat put on by David and Nancy Guthrie in Nashville. The retreat is for parents who have lost a child. It's been 5 years since we lost our sweet Mary Margaret, but in many ways it seems like only yesterday. It will be very healing to be with other people who have experienced similar losses. There will only be 12 couples, including us and the Guthries. I highly respect the Guthries. Nancy, an author, wrote the book "Holding on to Hope" which I read after MM died. She also wrote the devotional called "Hope" which a sweet friend gave me while we were living in the Ronald McDonald House. Her words had an amazing impact on me, as she and David lost two children about a year and half apart. Both children were around 6 months old when they died. Their story is amazing, and you can read it here: .

In addition to spending the weekend at the retreat, we will spend Wed and Thu with my sweet BFF, Angel, who will be watching Lillie for us while we're away.

We would love your prayers as we go through the weekend, as I know that while it will be healing, it may also be painful at times to revisit the hardest time of our lives. Robert's parents gave us a beautiful antique trunk which I've wanted for years to put all of MM's things in. I always thought that I had "grieved well", if there is such a thing. But for whatever reason, I cannot bring myself to go through her things to put them in the trunk. I'm praying that this weekend will help bring some needed closure for me. Please also pray for the other 11 couples, as this is sure to be a difficult weekend for all of us.

Walk in love ....

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